1/2 roll paper towels (that is cut in half not half used)
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons fractionated coconut oil
3 drops OnGuard essential oil
3 drops Lemon essential oil
1-2 tablespoon foaming hand wash or castile soap
Using premium paper towels (you don’t want to go cheap here), cut roll in half and set inside a plastic container that has a lid. It does not have to be a perfect fit. Combine coconut oil, essential oils of choice, foaming hand wash and 1/2 cup of hot water set aside. Add the remaining 1 1/2 cups of hot water into the center of the paper towel roll. Once you add the hot water you will be able to press the paper towels into the container using the lid. Allow to sit for a few minutes prior to removing the inner card board from the paper towels. Add the liquid solutions of water, soap and oils then replace the lid for another 10 minutes or until you are ready to use.
Interested in learning more about essential oils? Shoot Mark Ewen an email at doterraglobal@aol.com or visit his websites below.