Thursday, February 26, 2015

Benefits of Ginger Tea

In recent years I've become enamored with ginger, ginger ale, ginger tea, ginger cookies, ginger with a side of sushi and even the ginger essential oil.  Ginger tea is easy to make.  I started enjoying it more after a long flight from LA to Auckland nearly did me in and I learned some of the amazing benefits of this rhizome.  After that over twelve hour flight, I researched a little about what caused my body to not only blow up like a balloon and catch the first virus I encountered but take forever to get back to normal.  Now I always take some version of ginger before and during long trips.

Before I get to the benefits of ginger let me explain why if you fly you might want to pay attention to these amazing benefits. Anyone who spends much time enjoying the miracle of flight has learned, there are some pretty weird side effects.  First, you just sit breathing recirculated air which not only dries out your skin but the instant someone coughs you can't help but think, "Great, here comes the bird flu".  Then there is the blood pooling in your legs and feet as you sit in that same cramped position for hours on end.  What are usually ankles at the bottom of my legs seem to disappear and morph into feet as if they never existed. By the end of even a cross country flight my shoes may not fit.  The cabin is pressurized to something you might experience on a mountain top which not only causes some pretty uncomfortable side effects with your ears but even more shameful it expands the gas in your intestines.  This can cause you to bloat or even, I know it's embarrassing to think about, FART! Wow, I can't believe I just admitted that. The low oxygen levels can cause you to get a little sleepy and even cause dizziness.  For those of us who are prone to motion sickness it is yet one more thing to turn us green.  Yes, I have been that person sitting next to you on the plane that the flight attendant points the vomit bag out to.  I truly lose all dignity on a long or bumpy flight.

I know you can't exactly make ginger tea on plane but you can prepare for one with a nice cup of this tea. Ginger has some amazing benefits.  Let me share a few that I enjoy.  Not only is ginger a natural anti-inflammatory but it has antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and anti-parasitic properties which offer gastrointestinal relief as well as detoxifying and immune boosting benefits.  Ginger is known for its ability to fight nausea.  I use it to aid in avoiding motion sickness.  Ginger is even said to help ease pain associated with menstruation.

The next time you pass ginger in the grocery store and your teenager lifts it up to say, "What the heck is this?" Tell him to throw it in the basket.  Ginger is great as a tea or added to a stir fry. Cook up some chicken with some garlic and ginger and you may even impress yourself.  If that feels a little out of your comfort zone at least try the tea.  I don't think you can get much easier than this.

Ginger Tea

Peel and slice about a one inch piece of ginger
Add to 8 ounces of boiling water (I use an infuser)
Allow ginger to steep in water for about five to ten minutes
Remove infuser or strain ginger from water
Add honey if you need a little sweetness

Before you begin using ginger as a supplement, make sure you check with your physician for potential drug interactions. 
Web MD has an awesome list but of course you always want to talk to your doctor.

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